Monday, November 4, 2013

Has it been 11 months??

Well, it has not quite been 11 months, but almost.... November 9 will be Molly's 11 month birthday.  I remember thinking at Molly's 1 month birthday that I wish I was at 6 or 12 months out because I couldn't imagine life at that moment not hurting as bad as it did.  I knew surely it was a little more bearable though.  I was right.  It's even kind of hard to admit that.  I don't always even want the hurt to be completely gone, because it makes me feel a false guilt that maybe I'm forgetting my sweet Molly.  I know that would never be true, but Satan can attack your weakest areas and at times and that's one of mine.  The thought that we are having too much fun, laughing too much, haven't been to her graveside enough, don't talk about her enough....  Through those thoughts I can hear the holy spirit whispering to my heart that none of that is true.  I will always love Molly, even if life does get a little easier. 

Obviously if Molly's 11 month birthday is coming up, so is her 1st birthday.  We wanted to do something for her birthday that would bless others the way we were blessed a year ago.  So, for the month of November (and beginning of December) we would like to make a donation in honor of our Molly June to Threads of Love.  Please go to our website,, to learn more about it.  We want to take the day of December 9th this year to help others while we remember Molly.  Please don't feel pressure to do this, but if you can or feel led, please help us.  The Threads of Love chapter that we will be donating to seems to really be struggling and I feel this would be a huge blessing.  Thank you family and friends!  We can always count on you to be there for us!

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.   Deuteronomy16:17

P.S. I'm hoping I can start doing a little more blogging again soon.  Since moving we still have not set up any kind of computer and it's not easy to do a lot of writing on an iPad (at least it's not my preferance).   Good night and hope to hear from all of you soon!